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The Frommer’s Travel Show

The Frommer’s Travel Show

Join host Pauline Frommer and an assortment of travel pros—journalists, Frommer’s staffers, and other industry insiders—as they discuss trending travel topics and dive deep to explore the human instinct to wander.

Join host Pauline Frommer and an assortment of travel pros—journalists, Frommer’s staffers, and other industry insiders—as they discuss trending travel topics and dive deep to explore the human instinct to wander.

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Pauline Frommer

President of Frommer Media LLC, Editorial Director of Frommer's guidebooks, author of the best-selling "Frommer's New York City 2025" and "Frommer's New York City Day by Day", host of "The Travel Show", named one of the 13 best podcasts for travel by the New York Times. 

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Editor-in-Chief of, author of Here Lies America, co-host of "The Travel Show" on WABC, two-time Lowell Thomas Award winner for Guide Book of the Year (London, Orlando).

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Zac Thompson

Frommer's Managing Editor. Previous contributor to the Village Voice, Chicago Reader, and others. Covers quirky travel, set-jetting, wildlife, budget, security, &c. Favorite destination ever: Japan.

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