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A Possible Surge of American Tourism to Iran Should Not be Prevented or Opposed, But the Realities of Iran Should Not be Overlooked Either

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By Arthur Frommer

  Published: Jan 06, 2016

  Updated: Aug 23, 2018

     I can never quite enjoy myself in a totalitarian country.  Whether it be China or Myanmar, Franco's Spain or Castro's Cuba, I could never, in the past, quite rid myself of the realization that the local people around me were not able to speak their minds without risking arrest and imprisonment.  And no matter how much I savored their cuisine or marveled at their views, there was at least a tiny part of myself that remained guarded and ill at ease.

    I mention this because of the apparent surge, especially among young Americans, in plans to make touristic visits to Iran.  From various people who have been there, I have recently heard rhapsodic comments about how gracious are the Iranians, how warm their welcome, how important their sights and history. 

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