
Tagged: border-control

What to Do When Your Tour Company Goes Out of Business looked like a solid travel agency. But Sandra Baker and dozens of other travelers found the ground was more than a little shaky when Traveland's abrupt disappearance…

Long Hiking Tradition Ends As Canada Closes Border on the Pacific Crest Trail

Another sign of the times that is impacting long-enjoyed travel freedoms: Canada has closed its border at the top of the Pacific Crest Trail, the 2,650-mile wilderness path that runs…

Online U.S. Passport Renewal is Now Fully Available! Here's All You'll Need

The U.S. State Department has announced that passport renewal via its website is officially open as of Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Until now, when a U.S. passport expired or was…

Say Goodbye to Passport Stamps in Europe: New Entry/Exit System Starts Soon

Update, October 11, 2024: Authorities announced they will not meet the November deadline, and implementation of EES is delayed.  The European Union's executive arm, the European…

What to Know About Europe’s New Entry Requirement—and Entry Fee—Coming in 2025

This article has been updated with new information. In 2025, travelers planning to visit Europe will encounter a new hoop to jump through: the European Travel Information and…

Fee for Global Entry to Rise on October 1, 2024—Apply Now for the Older Rate

Global Entry is a special system that allows U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents to skip the long processing lines and security checks at international entry points to the…

Can I Cruise with Just a Driver's License?

Despite tightened modern security requirements, there's a loophole that allows American passengers to cruise the Caribbean and other destinations without using a passport.In some…

An Easy Way to Eliminate Long Global Entry Interview Wait Times

It’s shaping up to be another busy summer in air travel.  So far in 2023, the TSA has already logged 9 of its 10 busiest days since the start of the pandemic, and we haven’t even…

Can a Hotel Front Desk or Cruise Hold Onto Your Passport?

The answer, in many places, is yes.  Sometimes hotels may legally demand that you hand over your passport when you check in. "In some countries, hotels may be required under local law…

Can I Use a Driver's License to Drive Into Mexico or Canada?

In the past, it was possible for U.S. citizens to drive into Mexico or Canada using only a standard state-issued driver's license and birth certificate. That has changed. The U.S.…

United States to Finally Reopen Borders with Canada and Mexico

Update, October 15: The government of the United States has finalized the date on which its borders will reopen to tourism: Monday November 8, 2021. Read the full details of the…

These Are the Vaccines Accepted for Entry into the United States

Last updated: October 11, 2021 On September 20, the United States announced new entry requirements for tourists who wish to visit.  Each arriving traveler will be required to furnish…

Now Some European Countries Won't Accept Vaccination Older Than 270 Days

Depending on when they received their vaccination shots, international travelers may find it harder to enter two European countries this fall.  Austria and Croatia have each introduced…

The Best Covid-19 Testing Method for International Travel? There Are Problems

If we've learned one thing about Covid-19, it's that not only is the virus constantly mutating, but so are the realities of life during this pandemic era. We've covered the tests…

New Covid Testing Kits Can Be Packed and Used to Reenter the U.S.

The United States still requires everyone who enters to produce a negative Covid-19 test result that's no older than 72 hours. The rule applies even if you're vaccinated, and the…

How Americans Can Obtain Proof of Vaccination for Travel

Last update: July 26, 2021U.S. President Joe Biden has said he has no interest in creating a federal system for verifying vaccination status. But local and international governments…

Americans Flying Abroad Must Obtain Covid Tests Before Returning

Starting Tuesday, January 26, anyone flying into the United States will be required to produce proof of a negative Covid-19 test.  That requirement, announced by the Centers for…

Some Countries Require Proof of Medical Insurance Now: How to Get It

August 17, 2020 We look forward to the day when this pandemic winds down, but until Covid-19 is eradicated, countries will want to guard themselves from the expense of providing…

Pauline Frommer: It's Tragic That Europe Bans Americans, But I Agree

It’s official: Americans are not welcome in Europe, at least not in the near future. That’s the decision that the European Union formally announced today with its list of nations that…

The UK Announces New Entry Requirements, And They're Tough

The United Kingdom has announced the first stage of its coronavirus reopening plan—and critics are saying it's no better than staying closed. As of June 8, all arrivals will be…

U.S. Government Is Pushing TSA PreCheck to New Passport Recipients, But Global Entry Would Be Smarter

Get a new passport these days, and it will arrive with a new bookmark urging you to sign up for TSA PreCheck. Volunteer some personal information about yourself beforehand, it says,…

New Kiosks Cut Border Control Waits By a Third, But Your Airport Must Ask for Them

In June, Chicago's O'Hare installed 32 kiosks that scan documents for incoming passengers. Right away, despite the fact summer travel was at its peak, wait times were chopped by…

The Able Traveler: Charleston, Military History and Wheelchair-Access

2011 marked the start of sesquicentennial remembrances of the four-year-long U.S. Civil War, and historic venues across America are holding special events up through 2014 to…

Montreal Getaway: Exploring the City Year-Round

As temperatures cool down, hockey season is heating up. A winter trip to Montreal offers a chance to see hockey played in its sacred homeland, Canada. In addition to taking in a game,…

Is the iPhone 3G the Ultimate Traveling Gadget? Not Quite

Apple's iPhone 3G could be the next great tool for travelers, but it's got a long way to go to get there. I've got some travel experience and some technology experience -- I've been a…

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