Sihanoukville Travel Guide

Also called Kompong Som, Sihanoukville was first founded in the '50s as a deep-sea port. The town itself is a mess of dusty concrete and grubby shop fronts. The main beach areas are where the action is, particularly around Ochheuteal Beach. This beach and the district behind it are now replete with any number o ...

Also called Kompong Som, Sihanoukville was first founded in the '50s as a deep-sea port. The town itself is a mess of dusty concrete and grubby shop fronts. The main beach areas are where the action is, particularly around Ochheuteal Beach. This beach and the district behind it are now replete with any number of hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, and nightlife venues. It is a pleasant place, though the beach at the north end can get pretty crowded. The other side of town around Victory Beach is developing in an entirely incongruous fashion. The beach itself has seen an influx of Russian money which has led to some bizarre venues; behind the beach around Victory Hill is a small district that has a couple of fine restaurants. The area is blighted by an increasing amount of sleaze, so you may want to keep your distance.

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