Wonju Travel Guide
The most populous city in the province, Wonju is located near the border of Gangwon-so and Gyeonggi-do. During the United Shilla period, the city was one of five secondary capitals. It served as the provincial capital from 1394 until the capital was moved to Chuncheon after the Korean War. Still an agricultural ...
The most populous city in the province, Wonju is located near the border of Gangwon-so and Gyeonggi-do. During the United Shilla period, the city was one of five secondary capitals. It served as the provincial capital from 1394 until the capital was moved to Chuncheon after the Korean War. Still an agricultural center, it has maintained more ties to Seoul than cities in its own province. Home to a large South Korean army base, Wonju also has several universities, including a satellite campus for Yonsei University.
The small Wonju Airport (WJU), 106 Gokgyo-li, Hoengseong-eup, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do (tel. 033/340-8310), is located between Wonju and Hoengseong and has one to two flights daily from Seoul, served by Korean Airlines (tel. 033/345-2041). Despite its name, the airport is much closer to Hoengseong than Wonju. City bus no. 62 goes from the airport to the Hoengseong Intercity Bus Terminal, as well as the train station and Wonju Bus Terminal. The bus stop is located to the right after you come out of the airport.
Wonju Station (tel. 033/742-6072) is one of the major stops on the Jung-ang Rail Line, and several trains arrive and leave the station in both directions. Trains from Seoul's Cheongnyangni Station run nine times daily, costing around W7,600.
Express bus service runs from Seoul's Gangnam Station to Wonju Express Bus Terminal (tel. 033/747-4181) about every 10 to 15 minutes daily from 6am to 9pm. The 90-minute ride costs W5,900 to W8,600. From the Dong Seoul Bus Terminal, daily buses run every hour 8:40am to 5:30pm and cost W5,700. From the Sangbong Intercity Bus Station, express buses run 14 times daily 6am to 4:50pm. The almost-3-hour ride costs W6,500. Regular nonstop buses (which actually take less time than the express buses that make stops) from Sangbong run 7am to 8pm 14 times daily and cost W6,500. Wonju has another bus terminal; the regular Wonju Bus Terminal is located toward the northern end of town, just a couple of kilometers from the downtown area. Bus no. 90 goes from the regular bus terminal to the express bus terminal. Fare for local buses is currently W1,100.
The city's old business district is located in the area between the train station and Wonju Gamyeong Sajeok Park. The center of town is where the Central Market is located. An underground shopping district also lies below the main intersection. Wonju is best known as the gateway city to Chiaksan National Park.
The tourist information center is located at the Wonju Express Bus Terminal. Wonju's official site is http://english.wonju.go.kr.